Tuesday, 19 June 2012

June 19th, 2012

What a long night...apparently there's some football thing on?!  I cannot stand football, I'll not get on a rant about it but I just hate it!  So I wasn't overly enthused when Andy wanted to put the England match on tonight, but I did get a lot of research done of potential outlets for my new products, so that's something!

I'll tell what I found tonight, just how many people there are out there designing and making amazing products!  And that made me wonder why on earth Handmade isn't more mainstream?!  I looked at tons of sites and each site had its own set of makers, not the same bunch of people cropping up everywhere, and all of a brilliant standard.  So if so many of us are doing it, why don't more people know about it?  And if they do, why aren't they supporting it to a greater extent?

All of these "handmade sites" only seem to be popular in "handmade world", where makers are selling to other makers rather than the general public.  Don't get me wrong, a sale is a sale, but it would be nice if handmade was more recognised outside of the industry wouldn't it?

Ohhh welll, I can dream!

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